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Why Floor Plans Matter

Why Floor Plans Matter

Ask any casual Rightmove browser and they’ll tell you straight: nothing is a bigger frustration than a floor plan-less property ad.

With countless stasis-mode buyers out there in the ether, scrolling finger twitching, eagerly awaiting the next fresh home to hit the property portals, certain that the next one could be ‘the one’ – the dream home that prompts them to finally put their home on the market and place a plump offer, you can picture their palpable disappointment when confronted with a ‘new listing’ that only tells half the tale.

The bass player of the marketing package, whilst the photography and videography with their glamourous twilight shoots and filters, will forever reign supreme as the lead singers of the group, without the reliable two-dimensional foundation of the floorplan providing some solid substance, there really wouldn’t be a band.

Here are four simple reasons why floorplans are the secret to a successful sale:


1.     Visualisation

Whilst the photos might be the first place our click-finger reaches for when searching for property online, with the predominant portion of the population claiming to be visual learners, a floorplan is high up on a buyer’s wish list.

Providing a quick overview of the home’s scope and size, a clear and well-presented floor plan offers at-a-glance gratification, letting buyers know instantly whether or not this home will be suitable for them.


2.     Filling in the blanks

Whether you’re selling a mansion with empty, dusty reception rooms, or a four-bedroom semi with a ‘doom room’ full of the kids’ old toys and clutter. The long and short of it is, that not every room presents its A-lister best on photographs. As such, not every room is always photographed for marketing purposes. However, these rooms are still essential parts of your home, and need to be included on the marketing.

Utility rooms are rarely the most glamourous area of the home, and in some homes, oftentimes with less windows and light flow than other rooms and it can be tricky to find an angle that best captures their qualities; however, the importance of a laundry room cannot be understated when marketing a home. If this room isn’t showcased in the photographs and your agent has neglected to include a floorplan, how will a potential buyer even know it exists?


3.     Potential

Some would argue that the perfect home doesn’t exist, but the perfect location does. If you’re selling a home in a prestigious location, there could be another reason why a floorplan is key to your marketing.

With a vast number of would-be buyers on the constant look out for homes in your area, the vision of what your home could become, rather than what it currently looks like, might be the key to its appeal.

A floorplan can help buyers to get an overview of your home and its renovation and remodelling potential. Viewers might be looking to make an offer based not just on the home as it exists in the present, but on their vision for how the space could be used in the future.


4.     Professionalism

Imagine dining out at your favourite local restaurant only to discover that half the items listed on the menu aren’t available. Not only is it disappointing, but there is a good chance you’d take your custom elsewhere.

Floorplans help to make your listing stand out among the crowd. Their inclusion is expected by many home hunters, and their omission could come across as a lapse in professional standards by your agent.

In an instant gratification world, with information available at our fingertips, there’s every chance your buyer, in frustration, could scroll by your home and have their eye caught by the following listing, the listing that contains a full floorplan.

If you feel your home deserves the full package when it comes to marketing, and you’d like to learn more about the comprehensive and professional floorplans we include as a matter of course, or for any queries you may have about getting your home ready for the market, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to help you.

Get in touch on 0118 304 7177 or email

